New Families Admission Steps First Step Click HERE To Fill Up Form New Family Interest Form Thank you for your interest in Torah Day School! Please tell us a little more about your family by filling out this form. We will contact you within three (3) school days. CHILD'S INFORMATION Child's Last Name * Child's First Name * You may list multiple children Child's Date of Birth * You may list birth dates of multiple children Child's Most Recent School or Daycare * You may list schools for multiple children Is your child adopted? * Yes No Did your child convert to Judaism? * Yes No If your child has been adopted or converted, please list the date, city, and presiding Rabbi for this event. * Please describe any medical, developmental, or behavioral support your child receives. (If none type N/A) * MOTHER'S INFORMATION Mothers Name * First Name Last Name Mother's Phone * (###) ### #### Mother's Email * Please indicate the mother's religious status * Born to a Jewish Mother Jewish by Conversion Non-Jewish If the mother has converted, please list the date, city, and presiding Rabbi. * Is the mother currently employed? If yes, where? FATHER'S INFORMATION Father's Name * First Name Last Name Father's Phone * (###) ### #### Father's Email Address * Please indicate the father's religious status * Born to a Jewish Mother Jewish by Conversion Non-Jewish If the father has converted, please list the date, city, and presiding Rabbi. * Which synagogue are you affiliated, and who is your Rabbi? * Is the father employed? If yes, where? General Information Home Address * How did you hear about our school? * Do you have a referral or a current family reference at our school? If yes, please provide their name(s). * When would you like your child to start attending our school? * Will your family be paying full tuition, or would you like to apply for a scholarship? * Why have you chosen our school for your child(ren)? * Thank you! A staff member will contact you in the next few days. Second Step Please wait until you are notified by our admissions team that you can proceed with this step. Teacher Ease Account Set Up Tuition Cost 2025-2026 EC1-EC2 pick up at noon $8,500 EC1-Pre-K pick up at 2:15 $10,800 Kindergarten pick up at 2:30 $12,000 1st - 4th pick up at 3:45 $16,000 5th - 8th pick up at 3:45 $17,000 Other Yearly Fees Security per family $300 Student Per child $100 PTO Per Family $30 Early Care & Aftercare EC1 drop off 8:00 $500/YEar EC1: Mon-Thu pick up at 3:45 Subject to enrollment $2,000/year EC2-K pick up at 3:45 $2,000/YEar