New Family Interest Form First Step Click HERE To Fill Up Form New Family Interest Form Thank you for your interest in Torah Day School! Please tell us a little more about your family by filling out this form. We will contact you within three (3) school days. CHILD'S INFORMATION Child's Last Name * Child's First Name * You may list multiple children Child's Date of Birth * You may list birth dates of multiple children Child's Most Recent School or Daycare * You may list schools for multiple children Is your child adopted? * Yes No Did your child convert to Judaism? * Yes No If your child has been adopted or converted, please list the date, city, and presiding Rabbi for this event. * Please describe any medical, developmental, or behavioral support your child receives. (If none type N/A) * MOTHER'S INFORMATION Mothers Name * First Name Last Name Mother's Phone * (###) ### #### Mother's Email * Please indicate the mother's religious status * Born to a Jewish Mother Jewish by Conversion Non-Jewish If the mother has converted, please list the date, city, and presiding Rabbi. * Is the mother currently employed? If yes, where? FATHER'S INFORMATION Father's Name * First Name Last Name Father's Phone * (###) ### #### Father's Email Address * Please indicate the father's religious status * Born to a Jewish Mother Jewish by Conversion Non-Jewish If the father has converted, please list the date, city, and presiding Rabbi. * Which synagogue are you affiliated, and who is your Rabbi? * Is the father employed? If yes, where? General Information Home Address * How did you hear about our school? * Do you have a referral or a current family reference at our school? If yes, please provide their name(s). * When would you like your child to start attending our school? * Will your family be paying full tuition, or would you like to apply for a scholarship? * Why have you chosen our school for your child(ren)? * Thank you! A staff member will contact you in the next few days. Tuition Cost 2025-2026 EC1-EC2 pick up at noon $8,500 EC1-Pre-K pick up at 2:15 $10,800 Kindergarten pick up at 2:30 $12,000 1st - 4th pick up at 3:45 $16,000 5th - 8th pick up at 3:45 $17,000 Other Yearly Fees Security per family $300 Student Per child $100 PTO Per Family $30 Early Care & Aftercare EC1 drop off 8:00 $500/YEar EC1: Mon-Thu pick up at 3:45 Subject to enrollment $2,000/year EC2-K pick up at 3:45 $2,000/YEar