Todah Rabah, a letter of gratitude, from a TDS Family

From the Landweber Family


Dear Mrs. Lazaroff,

Three years ago when I walked into your office and asked you to educate my daughter, I know you said yes with reservations.  Well, there are no words that I can find to say THANK YOU for all you have done.  Thank you, not only for what you have done for Daniella, but even more for what you and Rabbi have taught me.

Never have I felt so alive as I do when I am able to come and learn with you.  Gleaning the truth from Torah as I learned on Shabbos afternoons with you made it all seem real and relevant.  I now make sure to find time everyday to learn and Daven, because you made it come alive.  I see it in Daniella, the joy she has at Shabbos dinner when we go over her Parsha questions, and she not only answers them, but goes into depth with her answers.

The staff you have put together is phenomenal.  Their caring and understanding of the needs of each student, in order to bring out their best, is extraordinary.  The foundation that Daniella has received, I know will serve her well as she enters the newest chapter in her life, living in Israel.  This has been a three year relationship that will remain at the forefront of our lives.  I can't thank you enough for all that you have done.  I will send you periodic updates as our family continues to grow, im yirtzeh Hashem Hashem, in Torah and Mitzvot.


Why I Love Torah Day School