That is how they will get there!

Dear Mrs. Susman,

Thank you for all your hard work! I have always maintained that TDS teachers have a big job keeping secular studies on par with the depth of Torah learning that wells from the Chassidim’s heart. I believe TDS succeeds because of wonderful teachers like you. Like a master gardener you know when to push and when to pull back; always wanting the seedling to grow but always pushing, all the same, with sweetness and kindness. It is a tremendous gift to be able to teach our children to approach learning with confidence. It makes uptake and retention of new skills so much easier.

I myself have learned through following your example, not to get caught up in a hectic lifestyle, but to somehow focus on calm confidence. Now when I work with my child I am now mindful to show her through example to attend to our work with calm confidence.

Thank you for believing in my child and for being able to see her at a place where she will have mastered her trouble spots. That is how they will get there!!!

Thank you again!

Enjoy the flowers and have a Good Shabbos

A TDS Parent


My Dear Morah Yaffa,


Torah Day School is the Place To Be