Torah Day School of Houston

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Torah Day School is the Place To Be

Torah Day School is the Place To Be
by Mrs. Amy Shannon (3rd grade teacher)

Torah Day School is the place to be,
To grow and develop, I know you’ll agree!

The school is the greatest, the teachers supreme,
The children intelligent, with such self esteem!

The Judaic and Hebrew are taught with such care,
They daven and bench and Thank G‑d with prayer.

The parsha, the Chumash and mitzvos we do,
The holidays and history of us as a Jew.

We learn this all, and secular, too,
Reading, writing and math are a few…

Science and social studies, computers they love,
Our children are heads and shoulders above!

There are programs in school, such as academic fair,
We go to New York, San Antonio, you never know where!

We go to Galveston, museums and the park,
Ask us a question about Lewis and Clark!

We have tutoring, game day and taekwondo class,
We even had an artist, a blower of glass!

We had speakers to come from NASA and such,
We love to learn, and we learn so much!

A sofer, an author a meteorologist,
We learned about rocks from a mineralogist!

After school we have fun with many activities,
We celebrate holidays with many festivities!

Basketball teams and Girls organizations,
Color war games where we have many stations.

Father- Daughter breakfast and spaghetti lunch,
Pizza is a highlight, we eat a bunch!

Art class and yearbook and Father-Son Learning,
Chronicle Spelling Bee and whatever you’re yearning!

Grow green dress up day and library week,
Big sister program, when it’s friends that you seek!

Tzivos Hashem program and awards we have known,
By the way, we know every bone!

Rosh Chodesh  plays and Home for the Aged,
We love to entertain, and we can’t be upstaged!

We love to watch nature and we see it for real,
A bird in the water fountain was pretty surreal!

A place for a nest, the bird must have thought,
Watching eggs hatch and all that it taught!

Nature at our own back door,
What a way to learn and explore!

Chanukah essays and dreidels and Seder,
We are the best school from tots to 8th grader!

There is so much we do here, Torah Day School is awesome,     
It is so much fun to watch the kids grow and blossom!